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5 Tips for Creating an Effective Public Relations Strategy

Written by Mathew Cruz | Mar 11, 2021 11:00:00 AM

In the world of non-stop media, public relations (PR) is important to help the brand maintain a positive public image. But before we understand what the ideal public relations strategy ought to be like, we need to first understand the difference between PR and marketing.

While public relations and marketing are both focused on increasing the brand's reach and creating a positive image, there are a few key differences. Marketing focuses on the content, creatives, and information shared on a public forum, while the public relations strategy is the approach you define to do all of it.


Creative PR and marketing are how brands nowadays maintain a positive brand image, ensuring that their content is not too promotional but is focused on showcasing the truth in a positive light.


Without further ado, here are a few public relations tactics and tips that you can follow to create a successful public relations strategy that is actionable and driven to get you the right output:


Reflect On Your Target Audience

For a successful PR campaign, you first need to ensure that your content, creatives, and storyline are apt for your target audience. Understand that for a successful public relations strategy, your target audience will not just be the direct customer but also a variety of other segments. The material or event that you plan to publicize will thus have to have a generic tonality.


Make sure to answer the who, why, and what of your strategy before you build out your plan. For your message to have the maximum impact, ensure that you address the needs of each segment and address them properly.


Additionally, it is okay to segregate your PR campaign to be specific. A PR campaign example is doing a PR for the direct consumer first, and then hosting a separate event or campaign later on targetting your partners and distributors. This way, you are making sure both segments understand the value of your offerings correctly.


Pick The Top Publications & Build The Right Connections

Your reach can only be widened if you build relationships with credible publications and media contacts. So once you have the focus group in mind, it is time to reach out to the right publications. Each publication has a segment of its own, focusing on business, regional news, national news, or particular segments like sports, real estate, etc.


Pick the publications that are the right target for your audience and start the outreach campaign. It would be best if you start by emailing them and providing enough time before announcing the event or press release.


Make Sure Your PR Campaign Is Newsworthy

Once you have the media attention, make sure that your press release or event has newsworthy elements. To be truly newsworthy, you need to offer something of value that can create a buzz in the market. Some of the ways to add buzz to your public relations strategy are:


  • Announcing a unique offering of products or services

  • Adding value with current circumstances in mind (Amazon announced that it would be hiring 100,000 new roles to support people during COVID-19 - unique news in times when job losses were on the rise).

  • Creating an indirect buzz instead of a focus on direct advertising (Burger King UK extended support to local joints by announcing that it will be promoting their signature dishes instead of its own products, which was highly appreciated and created the right buzz for them).

  • Inviting a celebrity to be a part of your event


Prioritize Speed & Relevance For Your PR

When planning your PR campaign, timing is of the essence. You need to know which campaigns are to be announced when. For example, if you are creating a public relations strategy for a launch, your PR campaign should be timed around the holiday season or a relevant occasion, in-line with your audience's buying patterns.


On the other hand, if you have specific time-bound news to share, like the winning of an award, a special event, or others, you need to be quick and announce it before the news becomes dull or outdated.


Use Backward Goal Setting For Your PR Plans

Your PR and media outreach should start on a particular set date, and it is important to ensure that you do all the right things to make your press release a grand success. Use backward planning to prioritize tasks and keep your team on track. This helps you as specific milestones are tracked, and risks are identified at each interval while ensuring that you have enough time to mitigate the risks and achieve desired results.


An effective public relations strategy can improve brand reputation and enhance its reach, but it requires careful planning, the building of relationships with the media, and being empathetic to your target group. Instead of being focused on your needs, execute your PR campaign by ensuring it addresses your target audience's needs, and provides something unmissable for the media. And the payback will be immense!


From the basics of PR to how to use it to boost sales, learn more in our comprehensive guide to public relations. Also be sure to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates on our newest PR tips, tricks, and tools.


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