OnePitch Blog - The TypeBar

Which Reporters Will Be At at CES 2024?

Written by OnePitch | Dec 28, 2023 11:00:00 AM




We’re counting down the days until CES 2024! This year, the four-day Vegas trade show is expected to be the largest yet. As you build your final media list and schedule in-person interviews, we compiled a list of media friendlies, creators, and reporter teams who will be at CES 2024. Get those pitches ready! 

This blog will be updated with additional journalists and outlets pending attendance confirmation. Blog last updated Friday, December 22. 


Reporters and creators at CES 2024



Publications at CES 2024


The Verge will be on the ground at CES with a group of reporters. Keep an eye out for coverage as the conference starts — something the publication has done in past years. 


CNET will have a team at CES this year. Follow their CES page for all the latest throughout the show. 


TechRadar will be there with a cohort of reporters. They’ll be there walking the floor and trying out the latest gadgets. Want to get your product or your client’s product in front of TechRadar editors? Fill out the form on their website. You may just win their Best of Show award. 


Politico will be there with a team and a special edition newsletter covering all the policy discussions happening at CES. Sign up to grab that coverage. 




TechCrunch will be at CES this year and wants to meet startups! They’re making the introduction process easy this year with a form. So if you’re a startup or you represent a startup attending CES, fill out their form to schedule an introduction. 



Happy pitching! 


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