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7 Communications Conferences to Attend in 2023

Written by Kendall Aldridge | Apr 6, 2023 10:00:00 AM

As a Public Relations Professional, it is essential to stay tuned into market trends and have your eyes on every movement in the industry. One of the best ways of improving your game as a professional is to socialize, observe and learn from your colleagues in the industry.


Attending conferences, both in-person and online, is one of the best ways to learn from seasoned industry professionals and network within your niche so you find the best opportunities out there. 

This article highlights seven communications conferences you need to attend in 2022 to network your way to the top. 

1 - PRWeek Crisis Comms


Date: April 12th, 2023

Price: $760

Place: Convene, Washington, D.C.

Description: “Taking place in Washington, DC on April 12, 2023, PRWeek’s inaugural Crisis Comms Conference will showcase this most important element of the PR professional’s skill set and give you the tools to eliminate potential missteps before they occur, mitigate the impact of crises when they do happen, or respond appropriately in a Code Red situation should it arise.”


2 - StratCommWorld

Date: May 1st - May 2nd, 2023

Price: $1,895

Place: Washington D.C.

Description: “At StratCommWorld 2023, we will identify capabilities required of communications and public affairs officers working in corporate, military, government, and non-profit organizations, as well as strategies to succeed in our always-challenging world. We assemble pros working in diverse sectors who are at once courageous, nimble, and creative. And we create optimism and positive energy with new ideas shared freely and “live” connections with colleagues from the USA and countries across the world.”


3 - AMEC Global Summit

Date: May 15th – May 17th, 2023

Price: The entry is based on a membership basis with eligibility criteria mentioned on the website. 

Place: Miami, Florida

Description: AMEC or the International Association for Measuring and Evaluating Communication is the world’s largest PR analytics and research organization. It has members from over 86 countries and is acclaimed for researching, practicing, and educating the PR market. According to their site, “The 2023 event theme is ‘Vanity to Value: Demonstrating the Impact of Comms’ and the two full conference days will include keynote sessions, leading speakers, case studies and panel discussions, plus networking receptions, evening events, breakfast, lunch and refreshments during the event are all included in the ticket price.”


4 - PROCon


Date: September 3rd, 2023

Price: Not yet released

Place: Washington, D.C.

Description: “Public Relations (PR) and Communications (Comms) professionals are at the heart of every well-developed brand and organization. We develop strategies that help brands and organization's effectively connect with their target audience's and carryout their missions. 

In order to continue being the force behind these brands, we cannot pour from an empty cup. We must find spaces to sharpen our toolbox, connect with other industry PRofessionals, discuss industry challenges and trends, and celebrate our contributions to the world. If you cannot find any other time to do it (because things get hectic in this field), PRocon will save space for you to do this every year!”


5 - Content Marketing World

Date: September 27th – September 28th, 2023

Price: Varies by registration time

Place: Washington D.C.

Description: The Content Marketing World is an international trade fair and communication conference for PR and Marketing professionals. You can expect exciting content, renowned keynote speakers, exciting group sessions, and social gatherings to inspire, educate and enhance your skills. 

The event will train attendees to form successful content marketing strategies. The conference will also have extensive supporting programs with over 100 hours of workshops by leading global content marketers. The conference expects to host over 550 marketing companies and media influences from all corners of the globe. 

6 - PRDecoded by PRWeek


Date: October 11th - October 12th, 2023


Full Access Pass (Individual): $1,200.00

Full Access Pass (Groups 3+): $1,100.00 

Conference Pass (Individual): $1,000.00

Conference Pass (Groups 3+): $900.00 

Place: Chicago, Illinois   

Description: PRDecoded is PRWeek’s annual conference. The event is attended by enthusiastic PR professionals from the entire marketing ecosystem. The Public Relations Conference will cover trending topics from the PR industry and the challenges faced by the market professionals. 

This year, “PRWeek reconvenes PRDecoded in-person in Chicago with experts from in-house teams and their agency partners to highlight best practice and help delegates construct a playbook that is still being written — Purpose Evolved. And the third iteration of the Purpose Awards will celebrate the case studies, teams and individuals the PR industry can aspire to emulate.”




Date: October 15th - October 17th, 2023


For professional members – $1,695

For professional non-member – $1,995

Place: Nashville, Tennessee

Description: The PRSA ICON is a Public Relations Conference for aspiring communicators. It aims at promoting interpersonal communication skills and their influence in the marketing industry. ICON 2023 “will bring its special blend of incomparable networking and professional development opportunities for public relations and communications professionals to Nashville, Tennessee, Oct. 15-17 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center.”



Hopefully, attending some of these events will help you in your journey of becoming a PR pro

The conferences listed in this article are an excellent opportunity for you to network through the global market, learn from the top market players, and add to your credibility and skill set.


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