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    Pitches That Placed: How to Pitch an Expert to MIT Tech Review

    Learn how this pitch landed a quote in MIT Tech Review for a client on the next generation of ChatGPT. Additionally, it also secured two additional interviews with CNBC and The Information.

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    Let’s see why this pitch worked:


    Let’s take a look at the actual pitch that placed: 


    Screen Shot 2023-03-27 at 4.54.35 PM 


    Our PR bestie explains why it worked:

    • “Timely - we were able to get ahead of the news and start pitching interviews ahead of the news going live."
    • "Relevant - Our client is an investor in AI and previously worked at Microsoft - we knew she was the perfect expert."
    • "Right target - We knew this reporter frequently covered AI and recently covered GPT. The chances of him writing about the upcoming GPT4 news was high."

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    From an agency reporter to senior editors, learn how to pitch journalists on #CoffeeWithAJournalist. See more examples of pitches that landed on The TypeBar.

    Do you have a pitch that landed your client exceptional coverage that you want to highlight? Email us at with your pitch and 3-5 reasons why you believe it worked.

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