On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we’re highlighting a pitch that landed a byline (and follow-up piece) in Adweek for their client's predictions on the future of CNN/CNN+.
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Let’s see why this pitch worked:
Let’s take a look at the actual pitch that placed:
Email #1:
Subject line: What's Next for CNN/CNN+ with Chris Licht?
Hi _____,
CNN is running out of time to diversify away from cable news, its unsustainable moneymaker; when Chris Licht becomes president of CNN this May, he will have difficult decisions to make.
_____, founder and managing partner of _____ (a merchant bank providing M&A, capital raise and SPAC advisory for emerging tech and media companies) says CNN needs a new business model that can survive cable’s decline – including bringing in talent like Jon Steinberg (founder of Cheddar), considering an acquisition and expanding beyond its traditional “urban-liberal” audience to consumers with more moderate views.
_____ also dives into the challenges ahead for CNN+ amid streaming wars and changing ad regulations. Can I send you the full byline for consideration?
Subject line: CNN+ Launches 3/29: Byline on What's Next with Chris Licht?
Hi _____,
CNN+ launches tomorrow. Are you interested in a byline on how CNN+ is Chris Licht’s best chance of survival at CNN?
_____, founder and managing partner of _____ (a merchant bank providing M&A, capital raise and SPAC advisory for emerging tech and media companies), says CNN+ is currently set up to fail with a subscription-only revenue model.
____’s byline offers solutions and other considerations for Licht as he takes over as president. Interested in reading it?
Our PR bestie explains why the follow-up worked:
- “A new subject line refreshes the pitch. With a date and a question mark included in the follow-up pitch, the pitch seemed very timely and required a response."
- "An active news hook in the first sentence helps to increase open rates. A direct and compelling sentence likely increased the chances of the journalist opening the email as they could see the preview and automatically know what was being offered. Bolding the sentence, IMO, added urgency and ✨flare.✨"
- "Bonus: This byline resulted in a direct request from the publication to do a follow-up piece one month later after a new development hit the news cycle."

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From an agency reporter to senior editors, learn how to pitch journalists at Adweek on #CoffeeWithAJournalist. See more examples of pitches that landed on The TypeBar.
Do you have a pitch that landed your client exceptional coverage that you want to highlight? Email us at info@onepitch.co with your pitch and 3-5 reasons why you believe it worked.
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