On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we’re highlighting a pitch that landed a quote in a piece on Crunchbase for thoughts around the meat industry. Let’s see why this pitch worked:
Let’s take a look at the actual pitch that placed:
Subject line: Fake meat in 2022 - commentary from VC
Hi _____,
I know you've previously met with _____, CEO and partner at _____, so I wanted to see if you had any stories planned about the future of fake meat. The industry had a tough year, but Lisa remains optimistic on the future of plant-based foods. See her perspective below:
“I remain bullish when it comes to the plant-based industry. Some of the issues we’re seeing in the industry stem from the early versions of plant-based meat that have earned a reputation for being unhealthy. But products are evolving to have clean ingredients while improving on taste and texture. As companies continue to innovate in the plant-based food space, we expect to see a short, recognizable ingredient list that meets consumer expectations of being healthy, sustainable, and tasty. We expect consumer adoption to continue to rise as their options expand.”
Our PR bestie explains why it worked:
- “Previous relationship + timely follow-ups: We had already established a relationship with Keerthi a few weeks prior, and we happened to follow up with this new pitch when she was writing an article that was relevant to our latest pitch.”
- “Included a unique POV: Instead of just mentioning that our client could speak to trends, we provided a direct quote with more insight about the trend to help give the reporter a clear idea of what our client's unique perspective was.”
- “Short and sweet: This pitch consisted of two short paragraphs and got to the point quickly.”

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