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    Pitches That Placed: How to Pitch Announcements to Forbes

    On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we’re highlighting a pitch that landed coverage in Forbes for an announcement of a  brand new flight route out of JFK. Let’s see why this pitch worked:

    Let’s take a look at the actual pitch that placed: 

    Subject line: JFK nonstop to Boise this summer share

    Hi ____ -

    I hope you have been well! I wanted to flag for you some big news from Boise for NYC residents such as yourself. The airport is getting its first nonstop service from a New York City airport. JetBlue is starting nonstop flights on July 2 from JFK running four flights a week (see release here). It will also be Boise Airport’s longest flight and furthest to the east. 

     We know that travelers have been looking for more lesser-known under-the-radar places that have an outdoor component and Boise really is just that. I’ve included a few proof points below my signature that might help to make a case for summer travel consideration, especially for New Yorkers who want to get out to some place new. Also please see the latest new developments release here.

     Might you have a spot to fit this news into anything you are working on or might in the coming weeks? Any social sharing is also encouraged (@visitboise on Instagram; @BoiseCVB on Twitter). 



    Our PR bestie explains why it worked:

    • “Timely and part of a larger trend of airlines increasing service to smaller cities.”
    • “Newsworthy topic of the ‘first ever’ nonstop from the NYC market.” 
    • “Destination is lesser known and outdoorsy for New Yorkers to explore easily.”




    Want more tips for pitching Forbes? See more insights on pitching journalists at Forbes on The TypeBar.

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    OnePitch is a platform that connects public relations professionals with journalists, streamlining the process of pitching stories. Designed to simplify media outreach, OnePitch helps PR experts craft pitches that resonate with journalists, increasing the chances of coverage. By fostering meaningful connections between PR professionals and media outlets, OnePitch enhances the storytelling process, making it easier to share newsworthy content with the right audience.

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