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    Pitches That Placed: How to Pitch Partnership Announcements to TechCrunch

    On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we are highlighting a pitch that landed an exclusive in TechCrunch due to its relevance, flexibility, and explanation of company history. Let’s see more on why this pitch worked:

    Let’s take a look at the actual pitch that placed: 

    Subject line: Exclusive offer: New transport-AR partnership announcement; brother and sister create blockchain-based “carpooling for packages” system after mom couldn’t get same-day delivery of critical medication

    Good Morning, _____-

    We thought you might be interested in this transportation-related announcement + story as an exclusive?

    You might know that transport is the fastest-growing source of global emissions. And, the convenience of home delivery comes at a real carbon cost. 

    ______, a 24/7 carpooling delivery platform is trying to fix that – and she believes a blockchain and _____ could put global courier delivery services out of business in the future.

    What’s interesting to me is how it all got started: Earlier in the pandemic, _____’s mom was away on holiday in a rural area, forgot critical medication and needed same-day delivery. There was a problem: It was the weekend and they were looking at a 3-day delivery with post offices and big delivery companies. _____ called a friend who called a friend-of-a-friend who was driving in that direction.

    That gave_____ an idea: What if a platform existed where community members could help each other pick up and drop off packages?

      • At that point, ______ decided to set out to change the package delivery model. 
      • Carpoolers on _____ provide on-demand package delivery 24/7, even on holidays, at lower rates than express delivery by conventional post. And, drivers get incentives if they have electric or hybrid cars.
      • The whole reason behind what they’re doing: Someone is already going in that direction. So, let’s tap into that.
      • Since then, _____ has seen explosive growth:
        • [Stat #1]
        • [Stat #2]

    In a few weeks, _____ will announce a new partnership with _____ that will enable their delivery service to run on an alternative to GPS that does not require a satellite connection. Instead, devices will use _____ secure positioning protocol to determine where they are, relative to one another, and identify precise location (e.g. instead of an item being delivered to a house -- it can precisely be delivered to a specific room within a building or placed on the table in the backdoor patio).

    The announcement timing:

      • Planning for_____ but that specific date can be a bit flexible if you would be interested and have a preference.
      • Would you mind to please let me know if you're interested in this as an exclusive by Wednesday? If so, I’m happy to set up some time for you to speak with _____ and share the full release under embargo.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

    Best regards, 

    Our PR bestie explains why it worked:

    • Relevance: Right journalist, right publication, right message.”
    • “Led with a story.”
    • “Flexible on announcement timing.”




    Looking for more tips on how to pitch TechCrunch? Check out more interviews and Pitches That Placed on The TypeBar.

    Do you have a pitch that landed your client exceptional coverage that you want to highlight? Email us at with your pitch and 3-5 reasons why you believe it worked.

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