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    Pitches That Placed: How to Pitch Smart Cities Dive

    On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we are highlighting a pitch that introduced a source as a thought leader and landed coverage in Smart Cities Dive. Operated by Industry Dive, Smart Cities Dive “sparks ideas and shapes agendas for 10+ million decision-makers in competitive industries.” Let’s take a look at why this pitch worked:

    Let’s take a look at the actual pitch that placed: 

    Subject line: The “drivers” behind driverless cars

    Hi ____ -

    One thing the pandemic brought in 2021 was a rise in AV testing, especially in California. According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles, AV companies drove more than 4 million miles last year, a dramatic increase from the previous years. It’s safe to assume that we’ll be seeing more and more driverless cars on the road as we head deeper into 2022. 

    As AV technologies increase, it’s important to recognize the ‘drivers’ behind driverless technology. Data intelligence experts are the ones responsible for ensuring AVs operate safely and accurately. Would you be interested in speaking to [name], director of autonomous mobility at leading data intelligence company [company name], about the people behind the data in AV? 

    With years of experience under his belt working with the top players in the AV industry, [name] could speak about the infrastructure and data ecosystems that drive autonomous mobility, the importance of human intervention with AI technologies and the role of data experts when it comes to driverless cars.

    What do you think? Can I coordinate a call between the two of you?




    Our PR bestie explains why it worked:

    • “Timely data that is relevant to the reporter’s transportation beat”
    • “Expert commentary, with specific examples of what the expert can speak to”
    • “A direct subject line that invites the reader behind the scenes” 




    Do you have a pitch that landed your client exceptional coverage that you want to highlight? Email us at with your pitch and 3-5 reasons why you believe it worked.

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    OnePitch is a platform that connects public relations professionals with journalists, streamlining the process of pitching stories. Designed to simplify media outreach, OnePitch helps PR experts craft pitches that resonate with journalists, increasing the chances of coverage. By fostering meaningful connections between PR professionals and media outlets, OnePitch enhances the storytelling process, making it easier to share newsworthy content with the right audience.

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