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    Pitches That Placed: How to Pitch TechCrunch

    On this week's Pitches That Placed (PtP), we are spotlighting a product announcement pitch that not only landed a feature in TechCrunch, but was also included in a roundup piece three days later. On a good month, TechCrunch garners around 20 million readers digitally with their main focus being "breaking technology news, opinions, and analysis on tech companies from around the world." Let's dive into this pitch and see why it worked.

    Let’s take a look at the actual pitch that placed: 

    Subject line: EMBARGO: Exoskeleton developer to announce 5th generation power suit - ______[company name]

    Hi _____,

    As someone who's covered the likes of _____[competitor], I thought you'd be interested in checking out the latest exoskeleton technology from _____[company name]. On Dec. 13, _____[company name], developer of the world’s only fully connected exoskeleton for industrial use will announce the latest generation of their award-winning Cray X smart power suit, which has been used by teams from Ikea and BMW. The power suit will be available worldwide in 2022 to improve warehouse safety at a time when folks in the supply chain industry are under extreme pressure. 

    A few highlights of the 5th generation power suit’s capabilities include:

      • 66 lbs of support per lifting movement to protect the lower back against excessive strain for warehouse workers
      • Added walking assistance
      • IP54 Waterproofing
      • 40V battery and completely revamped energy management systems

    Are you interested in taking a look at the announcement under embargo? If so, I can share the press release and arrange an interview with the founder and CEO _____[name].

    P.S. _____[company name] will also be attending CES. I filled out your form via TechCrunch and would love to set up some time for you to speak with the team and see a demo either in person, or virtually.


    *Note: we did follow up once after the initial pitch


    Our PR bestie explains why it worked:

    • "Referenced big-name customers."
    • "Used bullet point format to list out solid numbers that support how this product is different."
    • "Personalized - called out some related coverage at the top and that we know this reporter is attending CES at the end (based on information they shared on Twitter). We also called this out the right way, by filling out the form the reporter had shared via Twitter (however, this conversation did not lead to a meeting at CES)."




    Do you have a pitch that landed your client exceptional coverage that you want to highlight? Email us at with your pitch and 3-5 reasons why you believe it worked.

    Check out more resources for pitching journalists at TechCrunch on The TypeBar. Also, fill out the form below to sign up for our newsletter to receive monthly updates with all of the new Pitches That Placed blogs and additional resources.

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    OnePitch is a platform that connects public relations professionals with journalists, streamlining the process of pitching stories. Designed to simplify media outreach, OnePitch helps PR experts craft pitches that resonate with journalists, increasing the chances of coverage. By fostering meaningful connections between PR professionals and media outlets, OnePitch enhances the storytelling process, making it easier to share newsworthy content with the right audience.

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