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    Pitches That Placed: How to Pitch WSJ Pro Venture Capital

    On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we are highlighting an exclusive funding announcement that landed coverage in WSJ Pro Venture Capital. For reference, the WSJ Pro Venture Capital covers venture capital and the global startup ecosystem and is “a premium membership product for elite practitioners, powered by The Wall Street Journal's peerless reporting.” Let’s see why this pitch worked:

    Let’s take a look at the actual pitch that placed: 

    Subject line: Exclusive for ___ : $___ million for ____ of ____

    Hi ____ -

    Wanted to reach out to see if you'd be interested in taking the exclusive for an upcoming fund announcement from ______. I believe you've spoken with _______, the firm's founder and partner before. 

    See the details below and let me know if you'd like to take it!

      • ____ is closing its ____ fund of $____ million next week
      • The founder and partner, ____, is utterly remarkable, and you know I see everyone in this VC game! Rather than being a ______, they decided to put their ___ degrees to VC to make the most impact
      • So far, it's working with ____ exits (IPOs and acquisitions) and more coming this year which ____ can talk more on
      • The formula for ____’s investing success is when all 3 of "the magic triangle" are incentivized or shoved into alignment: the payer, the provider, and the patient

    I have ____ at the ready to chat and a few founders in the portfolio, ____, ready to interview as well. Aiming to get this announced on ____, but we can be flexible!

    Looking forward to hearing from you, ____.


    Our PR bestie explains why it worked:

    • “Exciting and LARGE funding announcement” 
    • “Interesting founder with specific examples listed within email”
    • “Direct and clear”




    Do you have a pitch that landed your client exceptional coverage that you want to highlight? Email us at with your pitch and 3-5 reasons why you believe it worked.

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