On this month’s profile, we are talking with Jennifer Reinhard, Vice President/Media Group Manager...
On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we’re highlighting a pitch from Eleanor Printy, Digital PR...
Our guest this week on Coffee with a Journalist is Samantha Stokes from Insider. Samantha is a...
On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we are highlighting a pitch that landed an exclusive in ...
Our guest this week on Coffee with a Journalist is Jake Kleinman from Inverse. Jake is the deputy...
On this month’s profile, we are talking with none other than Shama Hyder of Zen Media. She's a...
On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we are highlighting a pitch that landed an on-air segment for...
Our guest joining us today on Coffee with a Journalist is Toby Bochan from CoinDesk. Toby is the...
On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we are highlighting a pitch that placed in Insider due to their...
Today on Coffee with a Journalist we’re joined by Mia Sato from The Verge. Mia is a reporter at The...
On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we are highlighting a pitch that landed a print-only placement...
Our guest today on Coffee with a Journalist is Lisa Martine Jenkins from Protocol. Lisa is a senior...
On this week’s Pitches That Placed, we are highlighting an exclusive funding announcement that...
Our guest today on Coffee with a Journalist is Max Ufberg from Fast Company. Max is a senior staff...